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Name: convth:hydorator

“Hydorator” is gibberish. It'a a play with the syllable “hydro” for water and the ending “-ator” which describes a mechanical automate.

When placed over water, it acts as a moisturiser that can, e.g., turn cobblestone into mossy cobblestone. When places over lava it works the other way around and dries items.

Inspiration comes from the Stonecutter with a sprinkle of Botania. Not every machine needs an interface. Sometimes pure interaction is all that is needed. It has been added with version 0.4.0.


Yellow DyeRed DyeYellow Dye
Smooth Stone SlabSmooth Stone SlabSmooth Stone Slab
Crafting Table
Unknown (hydorator)

Recipes of Hydorator

Depending on the block over which the Hydorator is placed, other recipes are active.

When an item is processed the Hydorator will play a sound.

plugins/convth/hydorator.txt · Last modified: 2020/05/10 23:53 by cryxli