====== Crucible ====== {{ :plugins:convth:lava_generator.png?64|Crucible}} Name: ''convth:lava_generator'' A requested item inspired by the [[https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/ex-nihilo-creatio|Ex Nihilo]] series of mods. A block that, when placed over a heat source, turns cobblestone into lava. Added with version 0.3.0 of the mod. It also supports WAILA and displays the amount of cobblestone and lava stored internally. Both values are in Millibuckets. Of course, 1000mb lava equals a single [[https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Lava_Bucket|Lava Bucket]]. While a single [[https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Cobblestone|Cobblestone]] is transformed into 250mb. The **Crucible** also supports inserting cobblestone via [[https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Hopper|Hoppers]]. ATM, it does not support any conducts or pipes for extracting lava. ===== Recipe ===== size 3x3 tool workbench input clay_ball air clay_ball input clay_ball air clay_ball input iron_ingot iron_ingot iron_ingot output lava_generator ===== Default Heat Sources ===== The Crucible transforms a certain amount of cobble into lava every second. The quality of the heat source defines how much is transformed/melted at once. * [[https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Torch|Torch]] - 1mb * [[https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Magma_Block|Magma]] - 2mb * [[https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Glowstone|Glowstone Block]] - 2mb * [[https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Lava|Lava]] (still and flowing) - 3mb * [[https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Fire|Fire]] - 4mb ===== Configuration ===== The crucible can be disabled in the mod config: '' enable-lava-generator=false '' It is enabled by default. In addition to the mod config, there is a separate file ''convth-heat.properties'' defining the blocks that emit heat and how fast they make the crucible.